The depositar team invited to share research data management concepts and practices at the workshop hosted by the Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility
The depositar team was invited by the Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) at Academia Sinica to present on research data management (RDM), data management plans (DMPs), and open science at their workshop, Biodiversity Data Publishing and Application Workshop. The event, taken placed from Nov. 6 to Nov. 8, 2024, brought together individuals working with biological data and provided valuable guidance on organizing, publishing, and sharing data, highlighting the importance of open biodiversity data for both researchers and the wider community.
In addition to introducing key concepts, our team led a session on reviewing data management plan examples from their field and demonstrated how RDM can be applied throughout a research project. Participants in the workshop also included those interested in TaiBIF’s volunteer training program, which aims to strengthen the community and promote best practices in data sharing. We are grateful for the opportunity to connect with life sciences researchers and hope that our session was valuable to them.
The slide deck used in the presentation is available on the depositar: ark:37281/k5f6m4q3h